multivariate analysis

From: Rohullah Abdullahpour <rohullah1979a_at_YAHOO.COM>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 06:04:38 -0700

apologize for mistake!!

I'm to extend the below 2-traits analysis command to 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or...-traits analysis. but I'm not successful in writing the variance structure, there weren't simple and understandable hint for me in the ASReml manuals and references.

 would you please guide me for this goal?

 Also is the below is correct?!!!!

grape traits analysis
 Genotype !P
 Father !P
 Mother !P
 Year 2 !I
ped.txt !skip 1
dat.txt !skip 1 !DOPART $1
Tss Wtc ~ Trait Trait.Year !r Trait.Genotype Trait.ide(Genotype)
1 2 2
0 0 ID
Trait 0 US 1 1 1 !GP
Trait.Genotype 2
2 0 US 1 1 1 !GP
Genotype 0 AINV
Trait.ide(Genotype) 2
2 0 US 1 1 1 !GP
0 0 ID


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Received on Mon Sep 27 2007 - 06:04:38 EST

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