plant genetic analysis

From: Rohullah Abdullahpour <rohullah1979a_at_YAHOO.COM>
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2007 00:44:12 -0700


I've found one of my friends doing a trial on grapevine. He has 4 paternal lines and 6 maternal lines of grapevine and inseminated all of them to each other and measured several traits on the produced grape, his data file contains only Individual, father, mother and several traits in several lines. He asked me to assist him in his genetic analysis of the trial for obtaining genetic variances and heritabilities and repeatabilities and genetic correlations.

He don't have any experiment in genetic analyses and I don't in this field of plant trial.

There are some experimental designs to obtain mean of squares (MS) of parents and then extracting additive genetic variance due to Individuals.

My query:
Is it suitable to use an Individual Model (i.e. Animal model) instead of using that experimental design model?


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Received on Wed Sep 08 2007 - 00:44:12 EST

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