I am trying a weighted bivariate analysis with data that are prepared in a univariate way. For the two traits I have generated different weights, w1 and w2. ASReml 2.0 works fine. Now my question is, how does the residual covariance structure looks like when I define the R structure as "I times US" ? If I use the notation units within traits (US times I), then I think it is
Cov(e1,e2)=( sigma_e1^2*diag(w1){-1}, rho*sigma_e1*sigma_e2*I )
( rho*sigma_e1*sigma_e2*I, sigma_e2^2*diag(w2){-1} )
Am I right?
My .asr file:
Bivariate analysis
mmutter !A !P
dam !A !P
sau * !I
vater !A
paritaet 4
saison * !I
merkmal 2
sort_pedigree.ped !SKIP 1 !ALPHA !MAKE
data_univariat_w.asd !SKIP 1 !MAXIT 200 !DOPART $1 !ASMV 2
log_var !WT gewicht ~ merkmal merkmal.paritaet at(merkmal,1).saison,
!r ![ merkmal.mmutter at(merkmal,2).dam !] at(merkmal,1).vater
at(merkmal,1).sau !f mv
1 2 1
0 0 IDV
merkmal 0 US
1 -0.5 18
merkmal.mmutter 2
3 0 US 1 0.1 1 0.1 0.2 1 !GP
0 0 AINV
Many thanks for response,
Dörte Wittenburg
FBN Dummerstorf
Genetik & Biometrie
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf, Germany
email wittenburg_at_fbn-dummerstorf.de
phone +4938208 68-931
Received on Sat Aug 21 2007 - 10:52:14 EST
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