Dear All,
I am trying to fit GIV matrix into my analysis. It worked well when I am only fitted the GIV matrix into the main effect only. However, when I am tried to fit GIV matrix into the interaction, it gave error massage: PROGRAMMING error AIXDWX. What does it mean?
This is my as file:
ESWYT yield combine data
yoc 1387 !I
tid 1 !A
yea 25 !I
occ 208 !I
loc 386 !A
ent 50 !I
gen 686 !I
C:\DATA\YLD\stage_2\GIV.giv !skip 1
C:\DATA\YLD\stage_2\yld_cent_new.txt !skip 1 !AISING
BLUE !WT wt ~ mu !r gen yoc.gen
1 1 2
0 0 0 !s2== 0.4430367
gen 1
gen 0 GIV 0.1 !GP
yoc.gen 2
yoc 0 ID
gen 0 GIV 0.1 !GP
I have simplified the model by scentering the BLUE and recoded year.location (ie. yoc).
Thank you.
Vivi Arief
University of Queensland
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Received on Fri Jun 18 2007 - 20:54:36 EST
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