Can someone please suggest to me how to fit a G structure to the
following parental model over trials? I have:
ccs ~ mu Trial at(Trial,1).lin(Plot) at(Trial,3).lin(Nrow),
!f mv !r at(Trial,2).Rep,
Female and(Male) Trial.Female -Trial.Male and(Trial.Male)
4 2 1
12 Plot AR .1
41 Nrow AR .38
12 Plot AR .1
41 Nrow AR .38
12 Plot AR .12
10 Nrow AR .16
12 Plot AR .1
13 Nrow AR .38
Trial.Female 2
4 0 CORUH !+5
Female 0 ID
This runs but I would like the G structure over the combined
Trial.Female -Trial.Male and(Trial.Male).
Hope someone can help me out.
Felicity Atkin
Variety Officer
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Received on Sat Apr 24 2007 - 10:44:26 EST
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