Re: genetic analysis - categorical trait

From: nguyen sang <nguyenvansang1973_at_YAHOO.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 01:58:23 -0700

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am one of ASReml user and a student at UMB, Norway.
Could you please show me how to estimate heritability
of categorical trait and the genetic correlation
between this trait with other continuous traits? I
couldn't find those information in Manual or tutorial
in ASReml guides.

the case:
Fish fillet color: scores: 1,2,3
Fixed effect: batches, growout period
Random effect: animal, dam, family
Continuous traits: body weight

I greatly appreciate if you can guide me on it.

Best regards,

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Received on Tue Apr 20 2007 - 01:58:23 EST

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