Re: constraining correlation = 1

From: <arthur.gilmour_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 09:26:29 +1100

Dear Lutz,

OK, I did not read all the history.

The XFA model you had was appropriate for generating a likelihood
for testing the Genetic correlation is 1,
except that you need ASReml 2.00 ap (the latest bugfix version)
to report the correct LogL when XFA with zero PSI is used
with a pedigree term. [Your output extract did not report a LogL].

The results

 Covariance/Variance/Correlation Matrix UnStructured Residual
  0.5422 0.000
   0.000 0.1913
 Covariance/Variance/Correlation Matrix UnStructured
  0.1137 0.3084
  0.2432E-01 0.5469E-01
 Covariance/Variance/Correlation Matrix UnStructured Trait.hh
  0.7831E-01 1.245
  0.4843E-01 0.1933E-01

 Covariance/Variance/Correlation Matrix UnStructured Residual
  0.5551 0.000
   0.000 0.2141
 Covariance/Variance/Correlation Matrix XFA xfa(Trait,1).id
  0.9417E-01 1.000 1.000
  0.3826E-01 0.1554E-01 1.000
  0.3069 0.1247 1.000
 Covariance/Variance/Correlation Matrix UnStructured Trait.hh
  0.8354E-01 0.7484
  0.4143E-01 0.3669E-01

are reasonable: increasing the genetic correlation has reduced the
genetic variances,
increased the residual and hh variances, reduced the hh covariance

Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Saviour Jesus Christ

Arthur Gilmour PhD
Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Orange Agricultural Institute, Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA

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Received on Tue Dec 14 2006 - 09:26:29 EST

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