Contrasts in ASREML

From: Brian Baltunis <brian.baltunis_at_ENSISJV.COM>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 15:11:02 +1100

Hi, I noticed that in Version 2 there is a section on running contrasts
(page 62 of the manual).


Can someone explain (maybe with an example) of how to specify the
contrast in more detail? Do we actually put the new defined contrast
term in the model (LinN in the manual's example)? Which file are the
results of the contrast(s) output to? Thanks in advance, bb


Dr. Brian Baltunis


the joint forces of CSIRO and Scion


PO Box E4008

Kingston ACT 2604


Ph: 61 02 6281 8295

Fax: 61 02 6281 8266


Received on Sun Nov 07 2006 - 15:11:02 EST

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