fitting spline

From: <Mekonnen.HaileMariam_at_DPI.VIC.GOV.AU>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 11:47:19 +1000

I am using the mouse data and the as file from the
Slide 67

Two Trait Analysis
 Anim 300 !P
 Sire 300 !P
 Dam 300 !P
 Generation * !I
 Gender * !A
 Weight !/10
 day !=V4 !/365
MousePed !SKIP 1 # Pedigree file
mouseSplEx.dat !SKIP 1 !MAXIT 100 #Data file
!SPLINE spl(Week,3) 2 8 12
Weight ~ fac(Week).Generation*Gender fac(Week) ,
  !r ![ Anim Week.Anim !] spl(Week,3).Anim ![ ide(Anim) Week.ide(Anim) !],
   spl(Week,3).ide(Anim) !f mv
1 2 4
386 0 IDEN
6 0 DIAG 1 2 3 4 5 6 !S2==1 !GP

Anim 2
2 Week US !GP !+3
9 6
419 0 AINV

spl(Week,3).Anim 1
0 0 AINV 1 !GP

ide(Anim) 2
2 Week US !GP !+3
0 1
419 0 I

spl(Week,3).ide(Anim) 1
0 0 I 1

When I try to increase the knot points from 3 to 6 by doing the following
I am getting following error message "AINV/GIV matrix undefined or wrong
size "
!SPLINE spl(Week,6) 2 4 6 8 10 12

spl(Week,6).Anim spl(Week,6).ide(Anim) in the model line

spl(Week,6).Anim 1 in the definition of G for Anim --- this part is the problem I think
0 0 AINV 1 !GP

spl(Week,6).ide(Anim) 1 this is OK
0 0 I 1

I did not change the other parts

Can somebody please help me with this? Thanks in advance


Received on Sat Sep 04 2006 - 11:47:19 EST

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