[ASReml] dominance component

From: Yoonha Choi <yoonha_at_U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 00:51:48 -0700

I'm working on dominance component in animal model and read chapter 9 'genetic analysis' and chapter 11 'functions of variance
components' in ASReml User Guide (Release 1.0). But I cannot find any
content related to dominant component in animal model.

If anyone have ever worked on creating and using Dominance
relationship matrices, could you give me a simple example?
Or if you have any guide for estimating "dominance component (variance)", please let me know.

Thank you.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 08:42:05 +0100
From: Amanda Hessey <Amanda_at_vsn-intl.com>
To: Yoonha Choi <yoonha_at_u.washington.edu>
Subject: VSN SupportDesk Call Ref: /VWB02971 ASReml Web Trial

Dear Yoonha,

re: Do you have any guide for estimating "dominant component (variance)"
If you have a good example or any guide for that, please let me know. I
read chapter 9 'genetic analysis' and chapter 11 'functions of variance
components' in ASReml User Guide (Release 1.0), but I cannot find any
content related to dominant component in animal model.

Several people are actively working on creating and using Dominance
relationship matrices
but I am not in a position to pass on their work in progress.

The pronciple is that if you can create the D matrix for your pedigree,
you can
read it into ASReml using the GIV matrix mechanism.

You could join the discussion list, and then put your request to the
discussion list.
There may be a user who has done what you want and would be happy to
explain it.

Many thanks

ASReml support team
Received on Wed Jun 09 2006 - 00:51:48 EST

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