Re: Asreml for phenotypic plasticity

From: <brian.cullis_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 15:52:32 +1100

hi melissa
without going into the details of the job, which would take sometime, it
appears that it may be simply an issue of translation invariance for
random coefficient regression models. RCR models are not translation
invariant if you do not fit a covariance term between intercepts and
is this what you are up to???

Brian Cullis
Research Leader, Biometrics &
Principal Research Scientist
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute

Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resouces
The University of Sydney

Phone: 61 2 6938 1855
Fax: 61 2 6938 1809
Mobile: 0439 448 591

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Received on Tue Mar 30 2006 - 15:52:32 EST

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