Re: OWN structures

From: Dave Johnson <djohnson_at_LIC.CO.NZ>
Date: Wed Dec 21 12:31:43

I tried some time ago to fit a diagonal error variance which was a smooth
function of time. Even after specifying the OWN structure with a diagonal
sparse inverse I had size problems which I could not understand unless the
matrix is treated as dense.
David L. Johnson
Livestock Improvement Corporation
Private Bag 3016
Hamilton, New Zealand
Ph +64-7-8560629
Fax +64-7-8560640

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             SW.GOV.AU> OWN structures

             21/12/2005 01:18

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There seems to be a max size to the order of OWN structures. Does
anybody know what it is?

With the structure specified in sparse format, is it feasible to create
a diagonal OWN structure of order approx 10000?

*    I.White                                   *
*    University of Edinburgh                   *
*    Ashworth Laboratories, West Mains Road    *
*    Edinburgh EH9 3JT                         *
*    Fax: 0131 650 6564   Tel: 0131 650 5490   *
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Received on Tue Dec 21 2005 - 12:31:43 EST

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