Re: G*E in animal model

From: Rob Brooks <rob.brooks_at_UNSW.EDU.AU>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 17:00:33 +1000

Hi Julius,

That certainly makes things a lot clearer. I have to immerse myself in it,
but it is a very useful document.

BTW are yoiu running your ASREML course again next Feb?



At 01:30 PM 20/07/2005 +1000, you wrote:
>we did a course in 2003 where the linear mixed model structure was mirrored
>against how to tell ASREML.
>esp. useful for beginners/animal breeders (maternal/multiple traits etc)
>maybe this helps
>At 11:05 AM 7/20/2005 +1000, you wrote:
>>Dear ASREMLers
>>I have a general and a specific query. Generally, I have enormous trouble
>>designing the G and R structure lines of my ASREML jobs. Unfortunately I am
>>just not well enough schooled in thinking about these problems, but I find
>>I have to really bang my head agains the wall to figure out how to design
>>these bits of my jobs. Apart from teh AREML help, Asreml cookbook and
>>various web nortes from workshops, does anyone know of a good starting
>>place to learn about how to set these things up properly, from first
>>More specifically the problem I have been grappling with for the last while
>>is how to test for G*E interactions in a univariate animal model. I have
>>the animal model going fine, as per the below .as file, but I cannot fit
>>the Anim.ENV term. Does one specify Anim.ENV as a random effect, or is
>>there another way of doing it. Irrespective, if anyone has any insights on
>>how to specify the G and R structure lines in the job file, they would be
>>much appreciated.
>>Many thnaks,
>>Single Trait Animal Model
>> Anim * !P
>> Sire * !P
>> Dam * !P
>> SEX !A 2
>> ENV 2
>> CE_PN
>>am_tfd.txt !SKIP1 !ALPHA !MAKE #pedigree file
>>am_tfd.txt !SKIP1
>>CE_PN ~ mu ENV !r Anim
>>0 0 1
>>Anim 1
>>0 0 AINV
>>School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences
>>The University of New South Wales
>>Kensington, Sydney 2052
>>NSW, Australia
>>PH: +61-2-9385-2587 FAUX: +61-2-9385-1558
>Julius van der Werf Email::
>Animal Genetics W47 Web:
>School of Rural Science and Agriculture Phone: +61 -2 - 6773 -2092
>University of New England Fax +61 -2 -
>6773 - 3275
>Armidale, NSW 2351, AUSTRALIA

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences
The University of New South Wales
Kensington, Sydney 2052
NSW, Australia
PH: +61-2-9385-2587 FAUX: +61-2-9385-1558
Received on Tue Jul 20 2005 - 17:00:33 EST

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