I have some questions regarding binomial models:
1) Version 1.10 supports generalized models? (that section in the 1.10 version manual is missing, but is in the manual for the beta version 1.62 and older versions manuals)
2) How to calculate the heritability and the s.e. from a binary trait analysis?
3) Some good references regarding generalized mixed models, particularly for genetic analysis?
Thank you,
Prof. Hugo H Montaldo V
Departamento de Genética y Bioestadística
Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Ciudad Universitaria, México 04510, D.F.
Tel./Fax 52 55 5622 5894
Fax. 52 55 5622 5956
E-mail: hmontald_at_fmvz.unam.mx
Received on Thu May 20 2005 - 13:00:19 EST
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