I am dealing with a very stubborn group of small datasets for calculating
heritabilities in dairy cattle. Sometimes I got from univariate animal
models variance components followed by a B which means "fixed to a boundary"
¿?. In all these analyses convergence is OK.
¿Should I believe or not these variances? all of them are close to zero. I
have reasons to think they are really not zero from other sub-analyses.
Thank you,
Prof. Hugo H Montaldo V
Departamento de Genética y Bioestadística
Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Ciudad Universitaria, México 04510, D.F.
Tel./Fax 52 55 5622 5894
Fax. 52 55 5622 5956
e-mail: hmontald_at_fmvz.unam.mx
Received on Mon Apr 05 2005 - 19:10:48 EST
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