ASReml prediction problem

From: I M S White <iwhite_at_STAFFMAIL.ED.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 10:32:11 +0000

Dear ASRemlers,

Given two groups, n1 (x,y) pairs in one group, n2 in the other, is this
the way to predict the difference between regression lines? Is there a
more straightforward way? Why does ASReml think these predictions are
non-estimable? (I want to generalize to higher degree polynomials, hence
use of pol).

 group 2
y ~ p(x,1) group.p(x,1)
predict line 2 p(x,1) !onlyuse group.p(x,1) !printall

test.dat looks like this:

1 1 10.01
1 2 10.8
1 3 14.5
1 4 14.6
1 5 16.58
1 6 15.25
1 7 17.89
1 8 18.97
1 9 18.65
1 10 19.95
2 1 2.39
2 2 5.72
2 3 4.16
2 4 7.24
2 5 9.28
2 6 10.5
2 7 10.67
2 8 14.27
2 9 16
2 10 15.56

University of Edinburgh
Ashworth Laboratories, West Mains Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JT
Tel: 0131 650 5490 Fax: 0131 650 6564
Received on Tue Feb 09 2005 - 10:32:11 EST

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