Re: pedigree and GxE analysis

From: <Mick.Carrick_at_DPI.VIC.GOV.AU>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 12:05:57 +1100

Sorry the first attempt to send this bounced.


----- Forwarded by Mick Carrick/NRE on 12/01/05 12:03 PM -----

Mick Carrick
11/01/05 10:03 AM

        Subject: Re: pedigree and GxE analysis

Dear Ky

Howard Eagles of DPI VIC at Horsham has done something similar using REML
from Genstat. He would be worth contacting. He has published the first of
these analyses but I don't have the reference here at home.


Mick Carrick

07/01/05 07:36 PM
Please respond to ASREML-L

        Subject: pedigree and GxE analysis

Dear ASREML users,

I'm using pedigree information in the form of a generalised inverse
relationship matrix (coefficient of parentage matrix in crop terminology)
in a
genotype by environment model.

The model I'm using with BLUEs and weights from single site analysis is:

yld !WT yldwt ~ mu site !r site.giv(gen),
!f mv
1 1 0
2922 0 IDEN !S2==0.3118207 #yld
predict site gen

This model works and the values seem sensible however I'm having trouble
finding examples of others doing this, although there is a example of how
set up the code in the latest ASREML manual using site and variety
Has anyone done something similar and investigated how the site.gen
component changes with the inclusion of the pedigree infromation? And/or
described the theory?

Many thanks

Dr Ky L Mathews
CSIRO Plant Industry
Queensland Bioscience Precinct
306 Carmody Road
St Lucia QLD 4067 Australia
Ph: +61 7 3214 2255
Fax: + 61 7 3214 2950

"Its a poor sort of memory that only works backwards" - Lewis Carroll
Received on Tue Jan 12 2005 - 12:05:57 EST

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