IBD matrices

From: Arthur Gilmour <arthur.gilmour_at_AGRIC.NSW.GOV.AU>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 15:36:44 +1000

Dear ASReml Users,

I know some of you have fitted models in ASReml using IBD matrices to
look for QTL's in outbred populations. Would any of you like to
share Fortran code you may have to generate these matrices?
Please indicate if you would be happy to have the code used
as a basis for new options in ASReml if that should seem

I am also looking at ways of extending the flexability
of the formation of the inverse relationship matrix. Two options
I am looking at are to be able to specify a proportion of inbreeding
as used in some forest species, and also to improve the
way Maternal GrandSire models are handed. If there are
other things in this line which could be helpful, please drop me a line.

Best wishes in the Name of Christ Jesus,
the Saviour of all who believe.

Arthur Gilmour PhD
Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Orange Agricultural Institute, Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA

fax: 02 6391 3899; 02 6391 3922 Australia +61
telephone work: 02 6391 3815; home: 02 6364 3288;
mobile: 04 2764 3288 (no reception at home)

ASREML website: http://www.asreml.co.uk/
The ASReml discussion group ASREML-L_at_agric.nsw.gov.au
has reactivated. To join, mailto:arthur.gilmour_at_agric.nsw.gov.au

Cookbook: http://uncronopio.org/luis/asreml_cookbook.html
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I expect to be on leave 27Sept to 8 October.

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Received on Mon Sep 06 2004 - 15:36:44 EST

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