Anybody running ASReml in Mac OSX?

From: Luis A. Apiolaza <Luis.Apiolaza_at_UTAS.EDU.AU>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 08:58:46 +1000
('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Dear ASRemlers,

Has anybody ran ASReml successfully in Apple computers, either using a
Unix version or the windows version under virtual PC? I have received
this question a couple of times from people visiting the ASReml Cookbook,
but I have no idea if this is possible to do.



Dr Luis A. Apiolaza
Honourary CRC Research Fellow
School of Plant Science
University of Tasmania
Private Bag 55
Hobart TAS 7001
'We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can
 see plenty there that needs to be done'--Alan Turing
Received on Wed Aug 25 2004 - 08:58:46 EST

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