invalid data access
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invalid data access

I try to run a bivariate analysis. but it was terminated with following
error, can some one check it for me?
the error message:
invalid data access attempted; try -chk and/or runing under SOLD90

part of .as file likes following:
 cowrawt.txt  !MAXIT 20
 fec210 wwt ~Trait Tr.sirebd Tr.year Tr.brank Tr.rrank,
 Tr|2.age_wean Tr|1.age_sam !r Tr.animal Tr.dam Tr.ide(dam),
 !f Tr.dambd Tr.sirebd.dambd Tr.year.pad Tr.year.mategp
 1 2 1 !STEP .1
 2 0 US !+3 !GPUP
 24.1094 1 8.67232
 Tr.animal 2
 4 0 CORR .1 17.0071 2.897 
# 4 0 US !+10 !GPUPUUPUUUP
# 17.0071
# .0001 2.89729
# .0001 .0001 .000143501E-03
# .0001 .0001 .0001 2.30679
 animal 0 0