> Arthur and others knowledgeable in these matter,
> The .res file has information on standardized residuals (for certain
> models). Can you explain what
> SLOPES FOR LOG(ABS(RES)) ON LOG(PV) for section 1
> 0.99 2.01 4.34
The regression of ln|res| against Y_hat [to use other notation]
is looking for mean/variance relations.
A slope of B suggests that Y^{1-B} might have less mean variance relationship.
If there is no mean variance
relation, a slope of zero is expected. A slope of 1/2 suggest a SQRT
transformation might resolve the dependence, a slope of 1 means log
transformation might be appropriate.
So for the 3 traits, log, Y^{-1) and Y^{-3}
> means? Also what are the columns in
> STND RES 16 -2.35 6.58 5.64 ?
These are standardixed residuals i.e. residual/{standard deviation}
The standard deviation used is derved from the residuals rather than
me trying to find an appropriate value from the model.
> I assume 16 means observation 16!
> With thanks
> Ari
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Dr Arunas (Ari) Verbyla, International:
> BiometricsSA, Phone: +61 8 8303 6760
> Private Mail Bag 1, Fax: +61 8 8303 6761
> Glen Osmond, Australia:
> South Australia, 5064, Phone: 08 8303 6760
> AUSTRALIA. Fax: 08 8303 6761
> BiometricsSA is a co-operative group of The University of Adelaide and
> The South Australian Research and Development Institute.
> E-mail: averbyla@BiometricsSA.adelaide.edu.au
> ________________________________________________________________________
Arthur Gilmour PhD email: Arthur.Gilmour@agric.nsw.gov.au
Senior Research Scientist (Biometrics) fax: <61> 2 6391 3899
NSW Agriculture <61> 2 6391 3922
Orange Agricultural Institute telephone work: <61> 2 6391 3815
Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA home: <61> 2 6362 0046
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"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" Jesus; Matthew 6: 33