Hi Asremlers,
I was trying to obtain "TRUE" BLUP with asreml and I got some
results I did not expect. I tried three types of analysis using as priors
estimates of variance components obtained from another software: a)
maxit=0 (analysis 1, below); b) maxit=1000, but using the option !GF
(analysis 2); and c) I used as priors my variance components divided by
the error variance component (5.387632/6.155146=0.8753078 and
6.155146/6.155146=1.0) and the option !GF.
In analysis 1, asreml fails to converge, does not print the
"estimated" variance components and the solutions for animals are
different from those obtained with MTDFREML for true BLUP. In analysis 2,
my priors are different from the estimates for variance components, but
are equal to the gammas. Also, the solutions for animals in analysis 2 are
different from those obtained by MTDFREML and those obtained in analysis
In Analysis 3, the estimated variance components are close to
those obtained with the other software. Also, here the solutions for
animals are the same as those obtained with MTDFREML.
After these results, I tried a fourth type of analysis (analysis
4, below). I used 5.387632 and 6.155146 as priors (assuming these are the
best priors I could have) and the option maxit=1000. Now, asreml does not
converge and does not print the variance components estimates; but prints
the solutions for animals.
1. Which analysis should be used to obtain blup without estimating
variance components ("true BLUP")?
2. What are priors for areml: the gammas or the variance components?
3. What is the meaning of the Sources of variation: "Variance"and
"Residual"? Note here that when I used(results not shown):
x1 ~ mu test test/blk !r anim 5.387632
1 1 0
0 0 IDEN 0
the source of variation "Residual"does not appear in my results in the
file FN.asr
Thanks. Sorry the long message.
Uilson Lopes
FN.as ----------------------
Simulated data
test 4 #
blk 15 #
anim 915 !P
/home/uvl/HUBER/dial.dat !maxit 0
x1 ~ mu test test/blk !r anim 5.387632 # !GF
1 1 0
0 0 IDEN 6.155146 # !GF
Logliklihood decreased to -.46E+04: Trying again with reduced updates
Fault 0 Convergence Failed
Final parameter values 59.26395 1.00000**********
Finished: Sun May 17 17:23:38 1998 Convergence Failed
FN.sln -----------------------
anim 10 2.851 1.114
anim 11 -2.006 1.118
anim 12 -1.223 1.107
FN.as -------------------------
/home/uvl/HUBER/dial.dat !maxit 1000
x1 ~ mu test test/blk !r anim 5.387632 !GF
1 1 0
0 0 IDEN 6.155146 !GF
FN.asr ---------
Source Model terms Gamma Component Compnt/StndErr
anim 915 915 5.38763 12.7216 20.49
Variance 900 840 1.00000 2.36126 20.49
Residual identity 900 6.15515 14.5339 20.49
Finished: Fri May 15 10:42:52 1998 LogL Converged
FN.sln --------------
anim 10 2.906 1.663
anim 11 -2.049 1.666
anim 12 -1.243 1.658
FN.as -------------------------
/home/uvl/HUBER/dial.dat !maxit 1000
x1 ~ mu test test/blk !r anim 0.8753078 !GF
1 1 0
0 0 IDEN 1.0 !GF
FN.asr ---------
Source Model terms Gamma Component Compnt/StndErr
anim 915 915 0.875308 5.32896 20.49
Variance 900 840 1.00000 6.08810 20.49
Residual identity 900 1.00000 6.08810 20.49
Finished: Sun May 17 18:10:37 1998 LogL Converged
FN.sln --------------
anim 10 2.850 1.109
anim 11 -2.005 1.113
anim 12 -1.223 1.102
FN.as -----------------
/home/uvl/HUBER/dial.dat !maxit 1000
x1 ~ mu test test/blk !r anim 5.387632 # !GF
1 1 0
0 0 IDEN 6.155146 # !GF
FN.asr ---------------------
Logliklihood decreased to -.46E+04: Trying again with reduced updates
Finished: Fri May 15 11:06:29 1998 Convergence Failed
FN.sln --------------
anim 10 2.906 1.663
anim 11 -2.049 1.666
anim 12 -1.243 1.658