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Arthur(et al),

Thanks for the free publicity earlier in the week.  I certainly found 
your response most helpful, so I hope some others found it useful also.

I have two further matters.  The first is rather trivial but confirmation 
of my observation would be appreciated.  I have some data which has 
missing values for the response variate yield ( indicated by *'s ).  When 
I read it into ASREML it indicates the #miss is zero.  More careful 
inspection indicates the # of records retained = total observations - 
#missing etc and it appears that the *ing values have been recognised 
appropriately, as stated in the manual.  Is this in fact correct and there 
is a minor bug in #miss shown??

My second ? is less trivial (I think). I have data where I expect a model 
with common intercept but different slope would seem likely given the 
biology.  That is, at time zero it would be expected all treatments start 
at the same value and gradually separate depending on the treatments.
Thus I fit 
	yield ~ mu variate #for a common line
then	yield ~ mu variate factor.variate #common intercept different 
slope.  This second model appears strange and in fact bears little 
similarity to REML (in GENSTAT).  Whereas the model
	yield ~ mu variate factor factor.variate #different intercept and 
and the initial model appear reasonable and are consistent with REML.
Is there any reason why this second model should "upset" ASREML ??
Note eventually I want to fit a much more complicated model involving 
pol(), spl() and other factors but if the simple 2nd model doesn't give 
me what I expect I'm a little reluctant to head for the "deep water" and 
beyond, without some advice from the lifeguard(s).

Cheers,					Trevor.

 TREVOR  W  HANCOCK, Biometry, Dept. of Plant Science, Univ. of Adelaide.
 Waite Institute, PMB 1 Glen Osmond, South Aust.,AUSTRALIA.     5064
 Tel:   (08) 8303 7288    International:  61 8 8303 7288
 Fax:   (08) 8303 7109    International:  61 8 8303 7109