Bivariate anaysis + maternal genetic effect for both traits
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Bivariate anaysis + maternal genetic effect for both traits

Dear  asreml users
Hi and merry cristmass and happy ney year
I would like to set up an ASREML to do a bivariate analysis for traits with 
maternal genetic effect for both. 
I set up the following . as file . But I am not sure for results, because in 
Asr file there are 13 variance componenet with a warning! (Code B) and this is 
not correct ,because it should be 12 component and no 13 .
Would you please check my .as File and tell me my mistakes                    
Any help greatly appreciated.
Best regards

The .as file 

Bivariate Analysis for BW & TV
 IND !P 
 DAM !P   
 IHD 46 !I
 SEX 2 !I
 K 2 !I
 AFDEL 10 !I
 HCT !M -99
 GEW !M -99
 RV !M -99
 TV !M -99
 RATIO !M -99
 PERRV !M -99
 PERTV !M -99
 UITV !M -99
 VOCHT !M -99
 BORST !M -99
 LEVER !M -99
ali2.prn !MAKE #pedigree file
ali1.prn !MAXIT 50  #ascites data 
 GEW TV ~ Trait Tr.SEX Tr.K Tr.AFDEL Tr.IHD !r Tr.IND  Tr.DAM !f mv  

 1 2 1 
 0 0 0
 2 0 US 4.14 -2.58 8.22 !GP # residual variance
 Tr.IND 2
 4 0 US 1.23 0.31 0.22 !GP
 5327 0 0  
  ASREML [11 Jun 1999]  Bivariate Analysis for BW & TV                        
 Tue Dec 25 10:49:29 2001  64.00 Mbyte    mgew3
  Reading ali2.prn : skipping  0  lines
 PEDIGREE [ali2.prn ] has     5327 identities,   16760 Non zero elements
 QUALIFIERS: !MAXIT 50                                                   
  Reading ali1.prn  FREE FORMAT skipping  0  lines
 Bivariate analysis of GEW                  and TV                  
 Using     4202 records [of    4202 read from    4202 lines of ali1.prn       
  Model term      Size Type    COL   Minimum    Mean      Maximum   #zero 
   1 IND          5327 Direct    1   895.0     3102.      5327.         0     
   2 SIRE            1 Covariat  2 0.9413E+08 0.9420E+08 0.9429E+08     0     
   3 DAM          5327 Direct    3   66.00     453.2      892.0         0     
   4 IHD            46 Factor    4      1    22.6675         46         0     
   5 SEX             2 Factor    5      1     1.5869          2         0     
   6 K               2 Factor    6      1     1.8377          2         0     
   7 AFDEL          10 Factor    7      1     4.9912         10         0     
   8 HCT             1 Covariat  8  23.00      35.40      55.00         0   
   9 GEW             1 Variate   9  3.540      16.04      25.63         0   
  10 RV              1 Covariat 10 0.4000      1.955      5.300         0   
  11 TV              1 Variate  11  2.300      6.968      11.80         0   
  12 RATIO           1 Covariat 12  8.000      27.94      60.00         0   
  13 PERRV           1 Covariat 13  2.747      12.47      51.50         0   
  14 PERTV           1 Covariat 14  2.238      4.393      9.002         0   
  15 UITV            1 Covariat 15  1.000     0.1600      1.000      2095  
  16 VOCHT           1 Covariat 16  1.000     0.7763E-01  2.000      3542   
  17 BORST           1 Covariat 17  1.000     0.3084E-01  2.000      3585   
  18 LEVER           1 Covariat 18  1.000     0.6708E-01  2.000      3488   
  19 HART            1 Covariat 19  1.000     0.5890      2.000      1781   
  20 Trait           2 Traits/Variat
  21 Tr.SEX          4 Interaction 20 Trait   :    2    5 SEX            :    
  22 Tr.K            4 Interaction 20 Trait   :    2    6 K              :    
  23 Tr.AFDEL       20 Interaction 20 Trait   :    2    7 AFDEL          :   
  24 Tr.IHD         92 Interaction 20 Trait   :    2    4 IHD            :   
  25 Tr.IND      10654 Interaction 20 Trait   :    2    1 IND            : 
  26 Tr.DAM      10654 Interaction 20 Trait   :    2    3 DAM            : 
  27 mv_estimates 1053 Missing value
  4202  identity
     2  US=UnStr    4.14   -2.58    8.22
    8404 records assumed sorted    2 within 4202
 Eigen analysis check of US matrix failed
     4  US=UnStr    1.23    0.31    0.22    0.00    0.00    1.30    0.00    
    0.00    1.40
  5327  Ainverse
 Structure of Tr.IND       has   21308 levels defined
  Forming  22484  equations:  123  dense
 Initial updates will be shrunk by factor    0.245
 NOTICE:  1073 (more) singularities,
 LogL=-9520.72     S2=  1.0000       8302 df   1.0000     4.1400    -2.5800   
   8.2200     1.2300    0.31000    0.22000     0.0000     0.0000     1.3000   
   0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     1.4000    
 LogL=-8614.48     S2=  1.0000       8302 df2  1.0000    0.60852    0.61483   
  0.62747     1.4452    0.29231E-01 1.5344    -.79220E-010.79747E-010.98975   
  0.36558    -.12591    0.25843    0.19325    
 LogL=-7855.51     S2=  1.0000       8302 df1  1.0000    0.95791    0.11343   
   1.2687     1.3974    0.20898    0.28709    0.54146    0.38340E-020.23705   
  0.44319    0.83408E-010.17526    0.32174    
 LogL=-7855.51     S2=  1.0000       8302 df   1.0000    0.95791    0.11343   
   1.2687     1.3974    0.20898    0.28709    0.54146    0.38340E-020.23705   
  0.44319    0.83408E-010.17526    0.32174    
 Final parameter values                        1.0000    0.95791    0.11343   
   1.2687     1.3974    0.20898    0.28709    0.54146    0.38340E-020.23705   
  0.44319    0.83408E-010.17526    0.32174    

 Source                Model  terms     Gamma     Component    Comp/SE   % C
 Residual            US=UnStr     1  0.957908      0.957908       0.00   0 B  
 Residual            US=UnStr     1  0.113433      0.113433       0.00   0 B  
 Residual            US=UnStr     2   1.26866       1.26866          0.00   0 
 Tr.IND              US=UnStr     1   1.39739       1.39739          0.00   0 
 Tr.IND              US=UnStr     1  0.208978      0.208978       0.00   0 B  
 Tr.IND              US=UnStr     2  0.287092      0.287092       0.00   0 B  
 Tr.IND              US=UnStr     1  0.541459      0.541459       0.00   0 B  
 Tr.IND              US=UnStr     2  0.383401E-02  0.383401E-02   0.00   0 B  
 Tr.IND              US=UnStr     3  0.237048      0.237048       0.00   0 B  
 Tr.IND              US=UnStr     1  0.443194      0.443194       0.00   0 B  
 Tr.IND              US=UnStr     2  0.834078E-01  0.834078E-01   0.00   0 B  
 Tr.IND              US=UnStr     3  0.175257      0.175257       0.00   0 B  
 Tr.IND              US=UnStr     4  0.321736      0.321736       0.00   0 B  
 WARNING: Code B - fixed at a boundary (!GP)
               C - Constrained by user (!CON)
               S - Singular Information matrix
 S means there is no information in the data for this parameter.
 Very small components with Comp/SE ratios of zero sometimes indicate poor
  scaling.  Consider rescaling the design matrix in such cases
 Covariance/Variance/Correlation Matrix US=UnStructu
 0.9579     0.1029    
 0.1134      1.269    
 Covariance/Variance/Correlation Matrix US=UnStructu
  1.397     0.3299     0.9408     0.6610    
 0.2090     0.2871     0.1470E-01 0.2744    
 0.5415     0.3834E-02 0.2370     0.6346    
 0.4432     0.8341E-01 0.1753     0.3217    

 Analysis of Variance       DF     F-incr      F-adj  StndErrDiff
  20 Trait                   2     767.53     462.44
  21 Tr.SEX                  2    1001.86    1014.43
  22 Tr.K                    2      50.34      39.38
  23 Tr.AFDEL               16      65.54      32.31
  24 Tr.IHD                 80       2.08       2.08

                     Solution       Standard Error    T-value     T-prev
  24 Tr.IHD              
                    2   0.706798       0.342184          2.07
                    3   0.685431       0.355392          1.93     -0.08
                    5   0.330419       0.473656          0.70
                    6    1.11032       0.441305          2.52      2.05
                    7    1.27879       0.405824          3.15      0.58
                    8    1.53186       0.429636          3.57      0.93
                    9    1.89939       0.417501          4.55      1.28
                   10    1.32292       0.432035          3.06     -1.96
                   12    1.14005       0.348412          3.27
                   13   0.597457       0.368628          1.62     -1.68
                   14    1.14412       0.345941          3.31      1.70
                   15   0.702531       0.391139          1.80     -1.27
                   16    1.28736       0.345592          3.73      1.69
                   17    1.02784       0.402238          2.56     -0.73
                   18    2.18526       0.380910          5.74      3.00
                   19    2.01136       0.377817          5.32     -0.48
                   21   0.175373E-01   0.344453          0.05
                   22  -0.289134       0.367201         -0.79     -0.92
                   23  -0.526257E-01   0.341324         -0.15      0.72
                   24  -0.434003       0.428302         -1.01     -0.96
                   25   0.387543       0.330168          1.17      2.12
                   26   0.841710       0.368787          2.28      1.46
                   27   0.511368       0.343202          1.49     -1.02
                   28   0.700526       0.368727          1.90      0.58
                   30   0.268886       0.335729          0.80
                   31   0.157120       0.373651          0.42     -0.34
                   32   0.783535       0.337129          2.32      1.88
                   33   0.354103       0.377379          0.94     -1.31
                   34   0.307839       0.330902          0.93     -0.15
                   35   0.249013       0.370579          0.67     -0.19
                   36   0.664194       0.350968          1.89      1.28
                   37   0.149700       0.397414          0.38     -1.45
                   39  -0.200152       0.382730         -0.52
                   40   0.777429       0.390843          1.99      2.56
                   41   0.642173       0.359364          1.79     -0.38
                   42   0.763547       0.349466          2.18      0.41
                   43   0.927278       0.410985          2.26      0.45
                   44   0.247100       0.389203          0.63     -1.74
                   45    1.14578       0.437099          2.62      2.13
                   46   0.871837       0.361796          2.41     -0.68
                   48  -0.570704E-01   0.274859         -0.21
                   49  -0.117886       0.283593         -0.42     -0.31
                   51   0.342601       0.396471          0.86
                   52   0.543503       0.361774          1.50      0.64
                   53   0.624197       0.331368          1.88      0.36
                   54   0.742765       0.347554          2.14      0.58
                   55   0.737851       0.339095          2.18     -0.02
                   56   0.605649       0.350403          1.73     -0.60
                   58   0.354025E-01   0.271534          0.13
                   59  -0.165697       0.282213         -0.59     -0.81
                   60   0.162915       0.266181          0.61      1.35
                   61  -0.227290       0.302158         -0.75     -1.47
                   62   0.103484       0.269090          0.38      1.23
                   63   0.759757E-01   0.318637          0.24     -0.10
                   64   0.152135       0.298886          0.51      0.24
                   65   0.267266       0.292245          0.91      0.40
                   67  -0.357367       0.262766         -1.36
                   68  -0.329278       0.277672         -1.19      0.11
                   69  -0.998269E-01   0.258377         -0.39      0.93
                   70  -0.283057       0.335977         -0.84     -0.59
                   71   0.141806       0.250313          0.57      1.39
                   72  -0.422662E-03   0.282444          0.00     -0.59
                   73   0.636443E-01   0.258561          0.25      0.26
                   74   0.649604E-01   0.281405          0.23      0.01
                   76  -0.212728       0.256526         -0.83
                   77  -0.137410E-01   0.288545         -0.05      0.81
                   78   0.140028       0.258659          0.54      0.62
                   79  -0.357449E-01   0.287487         -0.12     -0.72
                   80   0.150568       0.253528          0.59      0.79
                   81   0.269930       0.283689          0.95      0.51
                   82   0.168932       0.270275          0.63     -0.40
                   83   0.264377E-01   0.311598          0.08     -0.50
                   85  -0.280678       0.307914         -0.91
                   86   0.120227       0.308870          0.39      1.32
                   87   0.119775E-02   0.285389          0.00     -0.42
                   88   0.635952E-01   0.274969          0.23      0.26
                   89   0.268078       0.326479          0.82      0.71
                   90  -0.284451E-01   0.302937         -0.09     -0.95
                   91  -0.485748E-01   0.351411         -0.14     -0.06
                   92   0.394832       0.283014          1.40      1.38
  23 Tr.AFDEL            
                   94   -1.95463       0.472443         -4.14
                   95   -1.36488       0.404931         -3.37      1.28
                   96   0.222089       0.402217          0.55      6.03
                   97    1.52619       0.400590          3.81     12.68
                   99   0.704876       0.405446          1.74
                  100  -0.676428       0.407123         -1.66    -14.63
                  101  -0.314185       0.411014         -0.76      1.14
                  102  -0.297948       0.409026         -0.73      0.13
                  104   -1.22855       0.392360         -3.13
                  105  -0.480049       0.324478         -1.48      2.00
                  106  -0.428373       0.320747         -1.34      0.22
                  107   0.621976E-01   0.319517          0.19      5.24
                  109  -0.731827       0.325190         -2.25
                  110  -0.568875       0.326497         -1.74      1.87
                  111  -0.104518       0.335818         -0.31      1.72
                  112   0.152659       0.334718          0.46      2.30
  22 Tr.K                
                  114  -0.563157       0.694946E-01     -8.10
                  116   0.138333       0.620933E-01      2.23
  21 Tr.SEX              
                  118    1.91649       0.480323E-01     39.90
                  120    1.17203       0.439993E-01     26.64
  20 Trait               
                  121    15.0685       0.512789         29.39
                  122    6.49077       0.333321         19.47    -17.88
  25 Tr.IND               10654 effects fitted
  26 Tr.DAM               10654 effects fitted
 SLOPES FOR LOG(ABS(RES)) on LOG(PV) for Section   1
  -0.41   0.74
 51  possible outliers: see .res file
 Finished: Tue Dec 25 10:59:58 2001   LogL Converged                          

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