Re: SE difference
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Re: SE difference

> Hi,
> Can the overall standard error of difference (given in the .pvs file for 
> predicted means) be used for pair wise comparison of means to determine the 
> significance of the differences between the levels of a fixed effect and if 
> so how??  Is there a need to estimate SE of difference for each pair under 
> comparison by taking into consideration the number of records for each level.
> Thanks in advance
> Kishore
    If predicted values have more or less the same accuracy, then the
    average SED is used to construct a t statisic
       (mu_1 - mu_2 ) / SED
       You can get the whole matrix of SED's mu using the !SED qualifier
       predict treat !sed
       Then you can use the individual SED's for each particular contrast.
> *********************************************************
> Dr.Kishore C. Prayaga
> CSIRO Livestock Industries
> Locked bag 1
> Armidale
> NSW 2350  Australia
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