Multivariate analysis using the new ASREML version
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Multivariate analysis using the new ASREML version
Dear all,
using an old ASREML version, I carried out a multivariate analysis (Code I).
Convergence was achieved after five iterations (please, see results below).
Now, I would like to use the facility OWN of the new ASREML version. Running
'Code I' on the new version, convergence failed.
Could anyone tell me how to carry out these analyses? Should I modify the
code or should I verify the installation of ASREML?
Thanks in advance,
Code I
ident !P
sex 2 !I
b !*100
c !*10000
olsq.dat !asuv !MAXIT 50
a b c ~ Trait Tr.iniwt,
!r Tr.ident
1 2 1
79 !S2==1
Trait 0 US !+6
-4.144872 6.088
1.339425 -2.0818153 0.7566
Tr.ident 2
3 0 US !+6
-4.075 7.216
1.535254 -2.804 1.09
Results old version
LogL=-40.2310 S2= 1.0000 225 df 1.0000 2.4987 -3.0832
4.0561 0.90063 -1.2675 0.42588 3.3127 -5.7797 10.389
2.2482 -4.0703 1.6122
Final parameter values 1.0000 2.4967 -3.0791
4.0478 0.89888 -1.2639 0.42430 3.3167 -5.7875 10.404
2.2515 -4.0769 1.6150
Source Model terms Gamma Component Compnt/StndErr %C
Residual US=UnStr 1 2.49668 2.49668 1.85 0 U
Residual US=UnStr 1 -3.07908 -3.07908 -1.40 0 U
Residual US=UnStr 2 4.04777 4.04777 1.09 0 U
Residual US=UnStr 1 0.898877 0.898877 1.08 0 U
Residual US=UnStr 2 -1.26389 -1.26389 -0.89 0 U
Residual US=UnStr 3 0.424301 0.424301 0.77 0 U
Tr.ident US=UnStr 1 3.31670 3.31670 1.54 0 U
Tr.ident US=UnStr 1 -5.78748 -5.78748 -1.58 0 U
Tr.ident US=UnStr 2 10.4044 10.4044 1.64 0 U
Tr.ident US=UnStr 1 2.25153 2.25153 1.60 0 U
Tr.ident US=UnStr 2 -4.07690 -4.07690 -1.66 0 U
Tr.ident US=UnStr 3 1.61501 1.61501 1.68 0 U
Results new version
LogL=-21.3653 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-23.8260 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-19.2292 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-55.5319 S2= 1.0000 225 df
Logliklihood decreased to -55.53: Trying again with reduced updates
LogL=-17.6629 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-16.7251 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-45.8796 S2= 1.0000 225 df
Logliklihood decreased to -45.88: Trying again with reduced updates
LogL=-18.2237 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-17.7640 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-4.33345 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-9.55048 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-16.7605 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-81.9788 S2= 1.0000 225 df
Logliklihood decreased to -81.98: Trying again with reduced updates
LogL=-21.7926 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-22.1793 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-25.9518 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=0.642927 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-8.58751 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-19.4729 S2= 1.0000 225 df
LogL=-45.8992 S2= 1.0000 225 df
Fault 0 Convergence Failed
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