Abbas - I can't give you an answer (except that I think the GLM type
analyses in asreml are for binary data only), but perhaps Arthur or someone
else on the list can be more definite.
Regards, Andrew
PS send your questions to the list rather than me
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Abbas.Pakdel@Alg.VF.WAU.NL [mailto:Abbas.Pakdel@Alg.VF.WAU.NL]
> Sent: Sunday, 22 July 2001 7:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: binary & trinary data
> Dear andrew ;
> I have some data that the most of them are binary(0,1) and trinary
> data(0,1,2), Would you please give me an example of model for trinary
> data(0,1,2).
> I used this linear model for binary data in a animal model : This
> model is
> correct or no ?
> survival !bin ~mu IHD SEX K AFDEL !r IND
> can I use the same this model for a animal model that including maternal
> genetic effects?
> best regards
> Abbas
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