Re: Run problem
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Re: Run problem

Do you have the correct path to your files?
Do you have sufficient diskspace?
Check the .as and data files to see if they are not corrupted.
Delete all the output files of ASREML associated with this job.

Might want to clean out the area where ASREML puts the temporary files.
Check the integrity of the hard drive and defragment it.

I would install the latest version of ASREML in a different location and
try again.


On Tue, 5 Sep 2000 wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am using ASREML under windows 95, out of the blue it stopped performing. It 
> was possible to get it going again in DOS, but then it gave the following 
> errormessage:
> Windows api=deletefile, errno=161, system message="the specified path is 
> invalid", unit=21).
> jwe0019i-u The program was terminated abnormally with Exception Code 
> jwe0020i-u An error was detected during an abnormal termination process
> While ASREML running under Windows did not give an error message. It just did 
> not do anything.
> Would anyone know how to get around this problem?
> Abe Huisman
> --
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