Could someone please tell me how the STND RES are calculated?
I can not get these residuals from the .yht file.
The attached is a simple example with a fixed effects only model.
I ran the analysis with and without the data point - S^2 is the variance
with it and S(i)^2 is the variance without. Res and Hat are the
residuals and Hat value from the .yht file.
As per pg 376-377 of McCullagh and Nelder
Stand Res was calculated as Res /(sqrt(1-Hat))
Student Res was calculated as Stand Res/S
Del Stud Res was calculated as Student Res * S / S(i)
S^2 S(i)^2 Res Hat Stand Res Student Res
Del Stud Res
1.55357 0.758523 4 0.1295 4.287218357 3.439617822 7.044858309
The value from the .res file is 3.32.
Also, in at least this version of ASREML, potential outliers are those
with STND RES of >3.3 rather than the 3.5 said on page 115 of the March
21, 2000 manual.
SLOPES FOR LOG(ABS(RES)) on LOG(PV) for Section 1
* *
* *
*** *
*** **
*** ** * *
Min Mean Max -1.0000 0.0000 4.0000 omitting 3 zeros
STND RES 9 3.32