Yes I managed to work that out eventually. Basically, any recoding should be
done before you use ASREML. In the next revision of the ASREML reference
manual, can you please state that when you use the !I everything is referred
to the recoded value and not the original values.
> Bruce,
> If you had to use the !I qualifier,
> you would need to note the order [say 2 4 6 5 3]
> which would internally be 1 2 3 4 5
> and you want to merge the original 5 and 6 which is new 4 and 3
> so you could use !set 1 2 4 4 5
> which would be do as you wish but have a singularity for the solution
> to '6' because its information is merged with '5'
> Arthur
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