Dear Hermann,
The .as file you have given is not correct for multivariate analysis.
I suggest you do univariate analyses first:
Prueba de evaluacion de ensayos de E globulus de Mel-Mel
arbol !P # tree
familia 199 # family (i.e. dam, cause these families are
# half-sib families)
localidad 2 # site
bloque 5 # blocks
procedencia 26 # provenance
altura # height
dap # diameter
pedigree.txt !alpha !make
datosmm.txt !skip 1
altura ~ mu !r arbol bloque procedencia bloque.procedencia,
Prueba de evaluacion de ensayos de E globulus de Mel-Mel
arbol !P # tree
familia 199 # family (i.e. dam, cause these families are
# half-sib families)
localidad 2 # site
bloque 5 # blocks
procedencia 26 # provenance
altura # height
dap # diameter
pedigree.txt !alpha !make
datosmm.txt !skip 1
dap ~ mu !r arbol bloque procedencia bloque.procedencia,
Following is a simplified Bivariate analysis
Based on values from the univariate run, you will
need to extend it to include the block terms
Prueba de evaluacion de ensayos de E globulus de Mel-Mel
arbol !P # tree
familia 199 # family (i.e. dam, cause thee families are
# half-sib families)
localidad 2 # site
bloque 5 # blocks
procedencia 26 # provenance
altura # height
dap # diameter
pedigree.txt !alpha !make
datosmm.txt !skip 1
altura dap ~ Trait !r Tr.arbol Tr.bloque Tr.procedencia,
-Tr.bloque.procedencia -Tr.bloque.familia
1 2 3
Trait 0 US
Tr.arbol 2
Trait 0 US
Tr.bloque 2
Trait 0 US
Tr.procedencia 2
Trait 0 US
This uis the basic coding but you will probably need to specify
initial variance for the matrices based on the univariate run
and a quessed correlation between traits.
However, of the univariate analysis shows a term is very small for
a trait, leave it out of the bivariate analysis.
The above coding specifies 12 variance components so the .pin file
might look like
F aaF 1 + 4 + 7 + 10
F adF 2 + 5 + 8 + 11
F ddf 3 + 6 + 9 + 12
H ah2 4 13
H dh2 6 15
R rg 4 5 6
R re 1 2 3
R rp 13 14 15
> X-Authentication-Warning: petidomo set sender
to using -f
> Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2000 22:10:18 -0400
> From: "C. Balde" <>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> To:
> Subject: Correlations in bivariate models and other things
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> As my graduate Thesys I'm evaluating a provenance-progeny test of
> Eucalypt> Prueba de evaluacion de ensayos de E globulus de Mel-Mel
> arbol !P # tree
> familia 199 # family (i.e. dam, cause thee families are
> half-sib families)
> localidad 2 # site
> bloque 5 # blocks
> procedencia 26 # provenance
> altura # height
> dap # diameter
> pedigree.txt !alpha !make
> datosmm.txt !skip 1
> altura dap ~ mu !r arbol bloque procedencia bloque.procedencia
> bloque.familia
> X-Authentication-Warning: petidomo set sender
to using -f
> Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2000 22:10:18 -0400
> From: "C. Balde" <>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> To:
> Subject: Correlations in bivariate models and other things
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
us globulus. I'm using the animal model (individual tree model)
> to obtain the genetic values for every tree in the trial (actually two
> trials).
> The command file is the following:
> Prueba de evaluacion de ensayos de E globulus de Mel-Mel
> arbol !P # tree
> familia 199 # family (i.e. dam, cause thee families are
> half-sib families)
> localidad 2 # site
> bloque 5 # blocks
> procedencia 26 # provenance
> altura # height
> dap # diameter
> pedigree.txt !alpha !make
> datosmm.txt !skip 1
> altura dap ~ mu !r arbol bloque procedencia bloque.procedencia
> bloque.familia
> !ASUV # without this specifications the I get prolems
> Although I want to calculate the heritability for every variable
> (height and diameter) and the genetic (additive) correlations between
> height and diameter.
> The .pin file is as follows:
> F varfen 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
> F vargen 1 * 0.35
> H h2 8 7
> My questions are:
> 1. How can I calculate two heritabilities (one for each trait) ?
> 2. How can I calculate the correlation between height and diameter using
> "R label a ab b" ?
> 3. In Eucalyptus sp., there is about 20% selfing (with a relationship
> ratio of 0.35). So for calculating the additive variance (in half-sib
> families) you have to multiply the family variance by 2,86 and not by 4.
> But in the animal model model you get the additive variance direct from
> the model. However it must be correct, having in mind the 20% selfing.
> How can I do that ?
> I'll be gratefull if you can help me.
> Hermann Balde
> Facultad de Ciencias Forestales
> Universidad de Chile
> Santiago - Chile
> --
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