Re: this weeks query is...?
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Re: this weeks query is...?

Thank you Arthur and Bruce for your help. Arthurs reply below for the list



>Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 16:06:56 +1100 (EST)
>From: Arthur Gilmour <>
>Reply-To: Arthur Gilmour <>
>Subject: Re: this weeks query is...?
>X-Mailer: dtmail 1.2.1 CDE Version 1.2.1 SunOS 5.6 sun4u sparc 
>> X-Authentication-Warning: petidomo set
>to using -f
>> Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2000 15:49:01 +1100
>> To:
>> From: Kim Bunter <>
>> Subject: this weeks query is...?
>> Mime-Version: 1.0
>> Hi there,
>> I am trying to develop appropriate fixed effects models for a variety of
>> traits (what's new).
>> There are relatively few animals involved although up to 8 repeated records
>> (8 production years) per animal (average no. recs about 3.5). I assume that
>> the correct approach (also more robust?) for assessing the sig or otherwise
>> of various fixed effects is to concurrently fit ide(animal) as a random
>> effect in the model (rather than using SAS and excluding all random
>> effects). 
>Yes. Fitting animal means that tests if effects based on groups of animals
>be based
>on the correct (animnal level) error variance.
>> Prior analyses indicate that many of the traits I am looking at
>> are quite repeatable. It was suggested to me that I should also check the
>> interaction year*ide(animal) in case this is a problem. 
>Isn't year.aniaml  simply the residual after fitting animal?
>> I decided to do
>> this, although I would have thought that a significant interaction here
>> would simply co-incide with a trait of low repeatability? 
>  I do not see how you can do this unless there are repeat observations
>> This gives rise
>> to the question: if a trait is not repeatable do you need to in fact fit
>> ide(animal) to check for sig. fixed effects. 
>If it is not repeatable, the animal; variance component will be zero
>and so tests of fixed effects will be against the within animal variance.
>> This is completely apart from
>> the fact that if this were the result my trait of interest would also not
>> appear heritable (which would cause a problem in itself :-)).
>> Anyway, fitting this interaction (year*animal) can be a problem for some
>> traits re convergence (which was not the effect I was trying to check for).
>> What seems to happen is that this effect is bounded at zero if no
>> qualifiers are used. Over-riding this with !GU means I can't get
>> convergence at all (interaction estimate ranges from -ve to +ve). Is it
>> safe to assume that this variance component is probably zero, or is it more
>> correct to assume that there is not enough information in the data to do
>> this test? Do I in fact need to do this test or am I wasting my time (and
>> yours).
>I suspect the interaction is completely confounded with the residual
>which is why you are having trouble.  any partitioning you do
>achieve will be completely arbir=trary.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thank you for your help!
>> Cheers
>> Kim
>> Kim Bunter (M.Rur.Sc)
>> PhD Student
>> Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
>> University of New England
>> Armidale, NSW, 2351
>> Ph:  (02) 6773 3788
>> Fax: (02) 6773 3266
>> email:
>> --
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>Arthur Gilmour PhD        
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>"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"   I Timothy 1:15.
Kim Bunter (M.Rur.Sc)
PhD Student
Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
University of New England
Armidale, NSW, 2351

Ph:  (02) 6773 3788
Fax: (02) 6773 3266
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