when I do a bivariate analysis on bwt and FEC, I came cross following
Can you explain how to overcaome it?
Here is the message:
A-inverse retrieved from ainverse.bin
PEDIGREE [cowrawt.txt ] has 2757 animals, 7830 Non zero elements
WARNING: Second occurance of Trait is dropped from the model.[
1 12 ]
WARNING: Second occurance of Trait is dropped from the model.[
1 16 ]
WARNING: Second occurance of year is dropped from the model.[
4 18 ]
Data being held on scratch file to increase RAM available
Data occupies 57664 positions
Forming 11144 equations: 19 dense
fault 6
subsequent fault ... aborting
Following is the as file:
Animal model for FEC data from Cowra 95 and 96
animal !P #1
sire #2
dam !P #3
dambd 2 #4 1=M, 2=BLM
sirebd 4 #5 1=BL, 2=Dorset, 3=Merino, 4=Texel
mategp 2 #6 1=ai, 2=nature
sex 2 #7 1=ewe, 2=crypt
pad 18 #8 within year
brrank 7 #9 1,2,...7 = 11,21,22,31,32,33&others
brank 6 #10 1, 2, 3,=single, twins, triplets
rrank 3 #11 as the brank
dob #12 julian days
age_sam #13 age at faecal sampling
age_wean #14
bwt #15
wwt #16
fec210 #17 2 Oct 1996 and 7 Dec 1995
fecdam #18 FEC of dams
year 2 #19 1=1995, 2=1996
fec2811 #20 28 Nov 1996
fullwt #21 1995
fat #22
dwg #daily weight gain from birth to wean (kg)
lwg #dwg*82 live weight gain corrected to 82 days
lfec210 #log (FEC210*100+1)
cfec210 # cubic_root(FEC210*100+1)
lfecdam #log (FECdam*100+1)
cfecdam # cubic_root(FECdam*100+1)
lfec2811 #log (FEC2811*100+1)
cfec2811 # cubic_root(FEC2811*100+1)
cowrawt.txt !MAXIT 20
fec210 bwt ~Trait Tr.sirebd Tr.year !r Tr.animal Tr|2/dam
!f Tr.brank Tr|1.rrank Tr.dambd Tr.sirebd.dambd Tr|1.year.pad Tr|1.year.mategp
1 2 1 !STEP .1
2 0 US !+3 !GPUP
24.1094 0.001 0.26
Tr.animal 2
3 0 US !+6 !GPUPUUP
.0001 0.08
.0001 .0001 0.09
animal 0 0
Yuandan Zhang
Department of Animal Science
University of New England
Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia
Phone +61 + 2 + 6773 2756(Lab)
Fax +61 + 2 + 6773 3275