Re: 3-ways
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Re: 3-ways

> Dear Arthur,
> I am trying to fit three-way models, using US and FA structures. The
> following is an example. It works well with US (only a few seconds! great!
> With MIXED, it takes hours! While writing this, MIXED has not converged on
> the same data set). 
> Unfortunately, I am having some problems with the FA starcture.
> Questions:
> (1) Do I need to specify !S2==1 also with the G.L and G.Y structures
> (G-matrices), as in the R-matrix structures? If I do, I get some strange
> error messages with some models. With US, the last variance parameter is
> fixed at 1, so it seems I should not be using "S2==1 with G structures. But
> why with the R-matrix and not with the G-matrix?

It is a matter of fixing the overall scale.  Essentially the Variance
Structure is  S2(R+ZGZ')  .

If R is a correlation matrix (e.g. ARxAR as in the spatial analysis,
I as in a simple mixed model - say incomplete block analysis) then S2 is
needed.  So the default for a univariate analysis at one site is to
estimate S2 and assume R is a correlation.  I suppose ASREML could work it out
but it doesn't at the moment and the default is the most common case.
G is then parameterized in terms of Gammas (Variance ratios)

However, in your case R is a variance matrix 9it includes a scaling
parameter.  The choice is then to fix S2 (at say 1 but it could be
any value) or to fix an element in R (which is possible).  G is then
placed on the same scale.  It is important then that G always include
a scale parameter.  

> (2) When I replace the first US (R-matrix) by FA in the code below, ASREML
> aborts with the error message "AIGETR FA 2". How can this be fixed? 
 yield  ~ mu !r L.G Y.G !f G mv 
 1 3 2 !step 0.01
 L L !S2==1
 Y Y !S2==1	
 G G US  !GP !+10
    1 2
    1 1 2 
    1 1 1 2
First  S2 should only be specified once

Secondly,  The order of G (4) is not big enough to sustain 2 factors.
2 factor FA of 4 levels involves 12 parameters but a full US only has 10.
Since I overwrite the initial US with the FA parameters, there is
not enough room.  

Thirdly,  we hqve often had dificulty getting FA 2 and higher working
without using good starting values.  So a better way of setting it up

G G FA  !G5PZ4P5P !A !V2   !+15    # Assuming 5 levels 

> (3) When I replace the second US by FA/FACV, thr program runs, but I get 2
> strange variances in the output:
> Variance            400    319   0.00000       0.00000       0.00   0 F  
> Variance            400    319   0.00000       0.00000       0.00   0 F  
> Funnily, this does not happen, if I replace (only) the third US by FA/FACV.
> What is wrong here?

These lines should not be printed.

ASREML reads in the 10 parameters for the US layout and then
reparameterizes to the 8 parameters of the FA1 layout.  This leaves
2 unused positions which are set to zero.  I'll look for the reason
they appear but the should not.  Ignore them.

> (4) I thought, using !V2 on the FA structure, i.e.
> G 0 FACV !V2 !GP !+10    ,
> I would be fitting 2 factors, but I end up with only one term and the same
> fit as when not using !V2. What am I missing?

  You need at least 5 levels in G to fit FA 2 as explained above.
  I realise you couuld define an FA2 putting an appropriate constraint
  to reduce the free parameters from 12 to 10 but I do not allow that
  (probably even if you put the vectors in directly).

> threeway
>  Y 10
>  L 10
>  G 4
>  yield
> threeway.dat !MAXIT 50
> yield  ~ mu !r L.G Y.G !f G mv 
> 1 3 2 !step 0.01
> L L !S2==1
> Y Y !S2==1	
> G G US  !GP !+10
>    2
>    1 2
>    1 1 2 
>    1 1 1 2
> L.G 2
> L 0 
> G 0 US !GP !+10
>    2
>    1 2
>    1 1 2 
>    1 1 1 2
> Y.G 2
> Y 0 
> G 0 US !GP !+10
>    2
>    1 2
>    1 1 2 
>    1 1 1 2

Arthur Gilmour PhD          
Senior Research Scientist (Biometrics)                 fax: <61> 2 6391 3899
NSW Agriculture                                             <61> 2 6391 3922
Orange Agricultural Institute               telephone work: <61> 2 6391 3815
Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA                    home: <61> 2 6362 0046

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