Re: Thanks and another question
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Re: Thanks and another question

Dear Hugo,

> X-Sender:
> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 17:56:19 +1100
> To:
> From: Hugo Montaldo <>
> Subject: Thanks and another question
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Thank Ron for answer my question:
> The right sintax now is:
> at(Trait,2).dam          For the maternal effect of trait 2
> and 
> at(Trait,2).ide(dam)     For the pe effect of trait 2
> I still have another one. There is a way to obtain number of observations
> per level of one effect.

This is not something one would normally use ASREML for.
Depending on the context there are several possabilities.

The easiest would be to use the  !filter and !select qualifiers
e.g.   To find out how many occurances of level 3 in factor B

  ASREML count 3's
  abc.dat  !filter 2 !select 3
  C ~ mu
  Alternatively you could use 
    B !==3
    And if you wanted to know counts for all 5 (say) levels
  ASREML count 3's
    B1 !=V2 !==1
    B2 !=V2 1==2
    B3 !=V2 !==3
    B4 !=V2 !==4
    B5 !=V2 !==5
  C ~ mu
    I HAVE thought of reporting cell frequencies for small factors but
    have not done so yet.

> Thank you again.
> Hugo
> *******************************
> Hugo H. Montaldo
> Research Fellow
> Division of Animal Science
> University of New England
> Armidale, NSW 2351
> Australia
> Phone 61-2-6773-3004
> Fax   61-2-6773-3275
> e-mail
> ****************************************************************************
> Yo no voy a morirme                         Ya ne umru
> salgo ahora                                 V etot deni zapolnennii vulkanami
> en este dia lleno de volcanes               Razmnozhaiasi
> hacia la multitud                           V zhizni.
> hacia la vida.
> I shall not die                             Je ne vais pas mourir
> I step out now                              Je m'en vais maintenant
> in this day full of volcanoes               dans ce jour plein de volcans
> towards the multitude                       vers la foule
> towards life.                               vers la vie.
> Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), Chilean Poet, 1971 Nobel Prize for Literature
> *****************************************************************************

Arthur Gilmour PhD                    email:
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    in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's" 1 Corinthians 6:20