Re: Fault
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Re: Fault

An interesting question.

I basically means the fault code was between 280 and 400
but I would need to see the .asl file produced with options
-del    to  be more explicit.

My guess is that there is something ASREML does not like
about one of the G structures but to see how far ASREML
got in its processing is what I need (plus the input job).


> X-Sender:
> Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 19:10:35 +1100
> To:
> From: Hugo Montaldo <>
> Subject: Fault
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> I got this fault not described in the manual:
>  Finished: 17:53:37.66                PROGRAM failed in AIABS 
> Any help is appreciated,
> Hugo Montaldo

Arthur Gilmour PhD                    email:
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