Dear ASREMLers,
Would someone please care to run their eye(s) over my code below ----- I am
fitting a full model of terms, hoping to be correctly including a random
and intercepts model, correlated for each unit.
At 18 (un-equally spaced) times, records were taken of the water usage of
plants in 48 pots (made up of 3 reps of 4 species by 2 water regimes by 2
fertilizer rates). Since my time intervals are not consistent, I cannot see
how to use the example on pages 143/144 of the Oct 1998 manual.
Thanks for your time.
Cheers, Terry
Bill Johnston's water use data: 4 sp X 2 Water X 2 Fert
# 18 times * 48 pots = 864 units; time 1 data (26 Sept) dropped
species 4 !A # Consol, 4650, Lucerne, Phalaris
water 2 !A # Low, High
fertil 2 !A # Low, High
treat 16 # Factor coding for the above 3 treatments
rep 3 # Factor for reps
pot 48 # Factor for 3rep * 4 sp * 2 water * 2 fertilizer
vtime !-340.778 !/25.879 # Variate days {291...379}
fdate 18 !A # Factor of 18 dates: 18-Oct, 30-Oct, .......
ftime 18 # Factor of 18 dates: 1,2,3,...,18
usage # cumulative water usage data
d:\1_data\johnston\wateruse\BJ_treat\wuetrial.dat !skip 1 !maxit 30
# Fit a random coefficients model
usage ~ mu species*water*fertil ,
vtime vtime.spe vtime.wat vtime.fer,
vtime.spe.wat vtime.spe.fer vtime.wat.fer,
!r pot 82.8914, # random intercepts for pots
pot.vtime 15.8124, # random slopes for pots
spl(vtime) 0.00001,
spe.spl(vtime) 1.5492,
wat.spl(vtime) 36.0471,
fer.spl(vtime) 0.01632,
spe.wat.spl(vtime) 0.07648,
spe.fer.spl(vtime) 0.00001,
wat.fer.spl(vtime) 0.009266,
spe.wat.fer.spl(vtime) 0.00001,
ftime 17.0388, # random lack of fit for time
ftime.treat 0.062343,# departures from smoothness for treats
pot.spl(vtime) 1.14104 # pick up curvature for each pot
0 0 1 # there is 1 G header line
pot 2 # define 2 variance structures for Pots
48 0 I # independence between Pots
2 0 CORR .329 82.8914 15.8124 # but corr{intercept.slope} within Pots
Terry Koen EMail:
Research Centre Phone: (02) 6342 1811 (w)
Dept Land and Water Conservation (02) 6341 1368 (h)
PO Box 445, Cowra, NSW 2794, Fax: (02) 6342 4551
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