Analysis of multivariate data using ASREML,
presented by Dr Arthur GILMOUR, NSW Agriculture.
Two one-day workshops on REML analysis are proposed for
Fri 2nd July 1999 at Melbourne University, Parkville Campus
Thu 8th July 1999 at University of Western Australia.
Both will be conducted by Dr Arthur Gilmour and while featuring
the ASREML software, will also be useful for users of Genstat and Splus
for fitting mixed models.
The Melbourne workshop is sponsored by the Forestry Working Group
and will be oriented towards forestry problems.
The Perth workshop is a satellite to the Association for the Advancement of
of Animal Breeding and Genetics Conference (4-7 July) and will be oriented
towards animal breeding models.
Both will run from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm with formal presentation
of theory and methods in the morning and practical sessions using
the ASREML software in the afternoon. Numbers are limited to a
maximum of 40.
The workshops will assume a general understanding of the
REML method and its application to forestry genetics
but will begin with revision of this area. It will
also present an introduction to the use of ASREML through
a series of examples. Prior knowledge of ASREML is not assumed
but experienced users will be able to view the latest developments.
Participants are invited to submit data for analysis at the workshop.
Part of the workshop will focus on problems associated with
fitting models, how to validate and test variance structures
as well as testing fixed and random effects in the model.
Issues to be covered include repeated measures, highly correlated
traits and obtaining solutions within the parameter space.
ASREML is a versatile program for fitting linear mixed models
involving general variance structures. It has been used
for general mixed model analysis, analysis of
field data with correlated error, multisite
analysis as well as multivariate genetic analysis in
forestry and animal breeding applications. The core routines
in ASREML are the basis for the current REML procedures
in Genstat V and the recently developed Splus function SAMM.
The workshop will be useful to users of these packages.
Participants will receive a set of workshop notes highlighting
analysis of forestry/animal genetics applications. They
will also receive a copy of the manual and a Windows 95
version of ASREML.
Registration for the workshop is $100 for Melbourne, $120 for Perth.
To register for the Melbourne Workshop, please send the registration
fee to Peter Kube (payable Forestry Tasmania) or
to Arthur Gilmour (payable NSW Agriculture).
To register for the Perth Workshop, please send the registration fee
to Johan Greeff (payable AAABG) or
to Arthur Gilmour (payable NSW Agriculture).
Registration details:
telephone: facsimile:
Further Information: Melbourne Workshop
Meeting venue: Melbourne University, Parkville campus.
ASREML workshop: Friday 2/7/99 and Saturday 3/7/99
(second day is a tutorial).
Approximate cost of on-campus accommodation: Bed and breakfast; $45/day
Full board; $55/day
Approximate cost of off-campus accommodation: $120/day
Contact: Peter Kube
Phone: (03) 6233 8138
Mail: Forestry Tasmania
GPO Box 207B, Hobart 7001
Further information on the Perth workshop will be distributed by AAABG.
mailto:"Greeff, Johan" <>
mailto:"Arthur Gilmour" <>
Arthur Gilmour PhD
Senior Research Scientist (Biometrics) fax: <61> 2 6391 3899
NSW Agriculture <61> 2 6391 3922
Orange Agricultural Institute telephone work: <61> 2 6391 3815
Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA home: <61> 2 6362 0046
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"You (Father) have given Him (Your Son) authority over all flesh,
that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.
And this is eternal life,
that they may know You, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." John 17: 2-3.
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