Dear Bruce,
I am puzzled by your request - unless it arises from
a misinterpretation of the asreml output.
The coding appears correct. You should confirm in the .asr file
that Ainverse is associated with TAG in the input summary
after the data summary and the first iteration.
The matrices ASREML produces are SYMMETRIC hence
1.58627 1.66052 2.5862695
is the matrix
1.58627 1.66052
1.66052 2.5862695
In the ASREML output, this matrix might be printed as
1.58627 0.81982
1.66052 2.5862695
with a heading Covariance/Variance/Correlation
The upper triangle is the correlations based on the
lower triangle i.e. .81982 = 1.66052/SQRT(1.58627*2.5862695)
If this is not the explanation of your problem, then please
explain more precisely what you mean by 'symmetric covariances'
if it is not symmetric variance/covariance matrices which is what
ASREML produces.
> X-Authentication-Warning: petidomo set sender
to using -f
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Symmetric covariances in asreml
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 17:03:28 CST
> Hi,
> I am trying to verify results from a couple of packages. How do I force
> asreml to provide symmetric covariances?
> I have a bi-variate model and I want to estimate the genetic and environmental
> covariances between them. I am fitting same model to both.
> As I currently have it, it is asymmetric and have not yet managed to get the
> constraints to work.
> What is the correct way of doing this?
> The end of my .as file is as follows (if wrong please let me know):
> w1 w2 ~ Trait Tr.breed Tr.year Tr.aod !r Tr.tag
> 1 2 1
> 0
> Trait 0 US 1.58627 1.66052 2.5862695
> Tr.tag 2
> Trait 0 US 1.21555 1.49222 2.3654478
> tag 0 0
> Thanks Bruce
> --
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"You (Father) have given Him (Your Son) authority over all flesh,
that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.
And this is eternal life,
that they may know You, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." John 17: 2-3.
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