My name is Carlos. I´m from Argentina and I´m working in
At the moment I´m in Spain and I would like to join the
discussion group´list.
I´m trying to use Asreml in progeny trials in order
to rank genotypes but I´havent enough experience. I´d like to
get the Asreml linear model for an open pollinated progeny
trial planted according to the following model:
y = mu + Set + Set*Rep + Fam(Set) + e
where: Set=provenances (random)
Fam=families (random)
Families are nested within sets.
I need components of variances for this model in order to calculate
heretability, gain and rank families.
I have 250 families in a single tree plot design with 15
replications. There are 10 sets with 25 families each. The total
number of trees is 3750.
I am looking forward to your reply.
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