RE: Error message and some questions
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RE: Error message and some questions

Dear All,
I have just updated ASREML on BBSRC.  The new version is slightly faster
 on LARGE MET analyses and allows an AR.AR G structure to work.
 I am working on a few other gremlins so unless doing MET's you may
 like to wait before upgrading.  For those doing METs, the following
   at(site,3).(row col
   as shorthand for
   at(site,3).row at(site,3).col at(site,3)
   Dear Joao
   ASREML detects a singularity in the matrix
    535      0.000001
   0.000001  0.000001
   But apparantly not in 
   0.000001  535
   0.000001 0.000001
   I believe you are using this structure because the trait
   with variance 0.000001 is entirely missing at this site.
   So, in the absense of information, you have put the value
   close to 0.0.  You could also reasonably use a value
   of 4 which is closeer to the value for the other site where there is data.
   ASREML needs to detect singularities but sometimes gets it wrong
   as in this case.  The reason it gets it wrong is related to
   the big difference in scale between the traits.  It uses
   the first element to  define a value for testing for a singulariity.
   In the first case, the test value is 535 x 0.0000001 (maybe) = .0000535
   which is bigger than 0.000001 so a singularity is reported.
   In the second case, the test value is 1E-12 in which case
   no singularirty is reported.
   For this reason, it is helpful to the algorithm if 
   the traits have similar order of magnitude in the variance
   or the one with smallest variance is nominated first.
> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 19:23:51 +0100
> From: Joao Costa e Silva <>
> To:
> Subject: RE: Error message and some questions
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Dear Arthur
>  The problem was fixed with the new version of ASREML in the
> following case: 
> BLUP analysis for pilodyn and diameter - F229 F228
>  tree !P
>  mp    
>  fp  50 !A
>  site  2 !I
>  cross 1 !I
>  pop  15 !A
>  fam  50 !I
>  blo   8 !I
>  mplot 120 !I
>  parc  400 !I
>  code  30 !A
>  pil
>  diam
>  !MAXIT 1
> pil diam ~ !r Tr.tree,
>            -at(site,2).mplot Tr|1/at(site,2).mplot 0.3 !GF,
>            -at(site,2).parc Tr|1/at(site,2).parc 0.4 !GF
> 2 2 1 !STEP .1
> 800
> 2 0 US 0.000001 0.000001 535 !GFFF
> 1600
> 2 0 US 3.9 20.1 348 !GFFF
> Tr.tree 2
> 2 0 US 1.9 12.84 135.5 !GFFF
> tree
>  However,  the error message "Unable to invert R or G matrix", still
> appeared in the case where the order of the sites and traits within sites
> was changed in the data file. Here the as.file was:
> BLUP analysis for pilodyn and diameter - F228 F229
>  tree !P
>  mp    
>  fp  50 !A
>  site  2 !I
>  cross 1 !I
>  pop  15 !A
>  fam  50 !I
>  blo   8 !I
>  mplot 120 !I
>  parc  400 !I
>  code  30 !A
>  diam
>  pil
>  !MAXIT 1
> diam pil ~ !r Tr.tree,
>            -at(site,1).mplot Tr|2/at(site,1).mplot 0.3 !GF,
>            -at(site,1).parc Tr|2/at(site,1).parc 0.4 !GF 
> 2 2 1 !STEP .1
> 1600
> 2 0 US 348 20.1 3.9 !GFFF
> 800
> 2 0 US 535 0.000001 0.000001 !GFFF
> Tr.tree 2
> 2 0 US 135.5 12.84 1.9 !GFFF
> tree
>  As the analysis in both cases was the same, why did ASREML crash
> following the change of the order in the data? 
>  Sorry to insist with this problem, but it is important for me to understand
> why it happened, before I start to organize all the data files for analysis
> (where the situation is: one trait measured in all sites and two traits
> missing in some sites).    
>  I am sending the data and as.files corresponding to the case where the
> error message appeared.
>  Was I correct, regarding the question of the example 8.4, "Multi site
> analysis", of the manual"? 
>  Thanks again for the help.
>  Best regards.
>  Joao
> (

Arthur Gilmour PhD                    email:
Senior Research Scientist (Biometrics)                 fax: <61> 2 6391 3899
NSW Agriculture                                             <61> 2 6391 3922
Orange Agricultural Institute               telephone work: <61> 2 6391 3815
Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA                    home: <61> 2 6362 0046

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