Estimate of the grand mean for genotypes
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Estimate of the grand mean for genotypes

Hi there,

Could anybody give me some advice on how to define a proper model to 
estimate the  grand mean for genotypes in the combined analysis of variance 
for unbalanced multi-year multi-location variety trials data?

The model I tried was:

Yield !WT=wt ~ mu trial !r genotype genotype.year genotype.location 
genotype.year.location !f mv

But the estimate of the grand mean for genotypes in the *.sln file seems 
too small, even though the BLUPs (genotype effects) seem to be sensible. 
Your comment on the model is greatly appreciated.


* Chungui Qiao				*
* School of Land and Food		*
* The University of Queensland		*
* St Lucia, QLD 4072			*
* Phone: +61 7 3365 2859 (W)		*
* Fax: +61 7 3365 1177(W)		*
* Email:	*

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