hi - can anyone tell me what's wrong with the following syntax? i am
trying to fit a bivariate model including direct and maternal genetic
effects for both traits (and a p.e. effect for gfw10):
gfw10 cfw10 ~ Trait Tr.line Tr.damage Tr.brtype,
!r Tr.animal Tr.dam Tr|1/ide(dam) 0.0858 !f Tr.flock
1 2 1
2 0 US !+3
0.037 0.0420101
Tr.animal 2
4 0 US !+10
-0.00801379 0.00681885
0.0267 -0.00576 0.0304376
-0.0085 0.0064 -0.0101964 0.0123053
9870 0 0
problem is i get a "Structure / Factor mismatch " message
(i think i have also ordered the starting values in the g-structure
incorrectly - should be gfw10_d, gfw10_m, cfw10_d, cfw10_m ??)
Andrew Swan
CSIRO Animal Production
Pastoral Research Laboratory
Armidale 2350 AUSTRALIA
ph. +61 (0)2 67761377
fax +61 (0)2 67761333
email: andrew@chiswick.anprod.csiro.au
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